Worm Composting Pictures
HomeWorm Composting Pictures
Check out these worm composting pictures
A wheel barrow full of food scraps. A feast for thousands and thousands of worms.
Worm Composting in the Classroom
Shredded Newspaper makes great worm bin bedding
Small clear plastic worm bin for kids
A Worm Feast
A handful of Vermicompost and Composting Worms
A Handful of Red Wiggler Composting Worms
Flow through worm bin made from an old chest freezer
A Handful of Vermicompost
A handful of Red Wiggler Worms and Worm Bin Bedding
Happy Composting Worms
School children digging in a worm composting bin
Air Holes in the side of a new Worm Composting Bin
Worm Wigwam
Worm Bin Heater